だれもが手軽にフードNFTを楽しむ世界へ! ブロックチェーンをフレンドリーにするウェブアプリ「ONEPLATE」をローンチ



フードNFTコンソーシアムのプレスリリース(2024年1月10日 11時00分)だれもが手軽にフードNFTを楽しむ世界へ!ブロックチェーンをフレンドリーにするウェブアプリ「ONEPLATE」をローンチ

*English follows Japanese.

フードNFTコンソーシアムは、株式会社NFTDrive(本社:京都市下京区、代表取締役:中島 理男、以下「NFTDrive」)と共同で開発したNFTのためのウェブアプリ「ONEPLATE」を、本日ローンチいたしました。「ONEPLATE(ワンプレート)」は、だれでも・いますぐ・かんたんにNFTに触れることを目的としてわかりやすさ・使いやすさを第一に開発された、NFTにまつわるユーザーエクスペリエンスを高めるフレンドリーなオンラインツールです。




ONEPLATEは直感的な操作ができるUIを備えており、ユーザーは自然にP2P(Peer to Peer、直接取り引き)を実行し、専門的な知識を必要とせず、ブロックチェーンの特性である合意性・即時性という利点を活用できます。さらに、ONEPLATEはブロックチェーン上の情報を直接読み出しているため、ブロックチェーンに慣れた人にも受け入れられやすく、NFTやブロックチェーンに関する知識・経験の差から生じる隔たりを解消し、だれでも・いますぐ・かんたんに、そして一緒にNFTを楽しむためのツールとなり得るものです。







ONEPLATEはこちら 初めてアクセスしたらアカウントの新規作成既存Symbolアドレスのインポート事前に、インポートしたいアドレスの秘密鍵を準備します。※パスワードは、ONEPLATEのための新しいパスワードを設定します。QRコードでの...



2023年3月設立。代表取締役 中島 理男(フードNFTコンソーシアム幹事)。フルオンチェーンNFTアップロードツール【NFTDrive】を軸に様々なサービスを提供し、ブロックチェーン技術を活用する先駆的な取り組みを続けています。









アクセス:JR神田駅 東口より徒歩2分
営業時間:17時~23時(ラストオーダー お食事:22時 お飲物:22時30分)








  • 法人会員:会費 20万円(税別)
  • 個人会員:会費 5万円(税別)
  • アカデミー会員:会費無し




フードNFTについて技術の解説と活用の可能性をご紹介する「第1回 フードNFT説明会」を2022年8月23日(火)に開催しました。特設ページよりアーカイブをご覧いただけます。






TEL : 03-5542-3850
Email : koho@food-nft.io

TEL : 03-5542-3850
Email : info@food-nft.io

Official Launch of Web App ‘ONEPLATE’
Makes Blockchain Friendly for Everyone

The Food NFT Consortium is delighted to announce the official release of ‘ONEPLATE’, a user-friendly online tool for NFTs, developed in collaboration with NFTDrive (Headquarters: Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto; CEO: Michio Nakashima).

ONEPLATE is designed to make engaging with NFTs easy, immediate, and friendly. ONEPLATE is improves the user experience related to NFTs and has been developed with a focus on ease of understanding and use, with the goal of allowing anyone to quickly and easily interact with NFTs. Explore the world of NFTs effortlessly with ONEPLATE – for anyone, anywhere, anytime can join the NFT.

ONEPLATE - for anyone, anywhere, anytime can join the NFT.[ONEPLATE]https://oneplate.food-nft.io/

ONEPLATE allows users to start using it with just a click of the URL, ensuring high accessibility across devices such as smartphones. With the ability to quickly preview NFTs and provide URLs and QR codes for easy sharing, users can not only enjoy collecting and appreciating NFTs, but also effortlessly show them to others and share their favorite NFTs. In addition, ONEPLATE facilitates transactions such as buying and selling NFTs, eliminating the need to use other services or marketplaces and consolidating NFT-related operations within ONEPLATE.

ONEPLATE has a user-friendly interface that allows users to execute P2P (Peer to Peer) transactions and take advantage of the blockchain’s properties of consensus and immediacy, without requiring specialized knowledge. Furthermore, ONEPLATE reads information directly from the blockchain, making it easily accessible to those familiar with blockchain technology. It is a tool that allows anyone to enjoy NFTs together, without any knowledge or experience gaps.

Future Prospects

ONEPLATE will be provided free of charge to Food NFT Consortium members and will be promoted to NFT projects, starting with ‘Oshinagaki NFT’. It is also useful for real communication around NFT. Whether you are distributing NFTs for the purpose of attracting customers or developing fans, projects that take advantage of the non-substitutable nature of NFTs, ONEPLATE makes it easy to obtain and check NFT, making it easy for anyone to use right now. It is a tool that provides accurate information quickly and easily, further accelerating your NFT project.

In addition, the use of multi-signature function is being considered, and it can be used as a more practical tool in business-to-business transactions, such as NFTs forming contractual relationships with multi-signatures, and it will expand the possibilities for new contractual relationships that take advantage of blockchain characteristics, such as the immediate execution of contracts through contract NFTs.

At ONEPLATE, we are committed to removing the barriers to touching NFTs, and we position ONEPLATE as a tool that will usher in an era where everyone can enjoy NFTs. We will persist in promoting ONEPLATE.


URL: https://oneplate.food-nft.io/

・For all devices. Access NFT previews go smoothly from any device by simply visiting the website using a web browser.
・One-touch to create URLs and QR codes for sharing NFTs.
Easily check blockchain information, even if you don’t have a Symbol address.
・Create a new Symbol address with ONEPLATE in just 3-steps.
・Excute NFT transactions directly on ONEPLATE. No need for a marketplace.
・Supports multiple accounts.
・Supports Multi-signature (Multisig) capability.
Note: exclusively available on Symbol blockchain.

*ONEPLATE is free to use, but crypto assets (XYM) are required for NFT transaction.
*A prescribed fee will be charged for transactions on ONEPLATE.
*ONEPLATE is only compatible with Symbol blockchain.

How to use ONEPLATE *This article is written in Japanese.

About NFTDrive Co., Ltd.


Established in March 2023, President and Representative Director: Michio Nakashima (Organizer of Food NFT Consortium). We provide a variety of services, including the full-on-chain NFT upload tool “NFTDrive”, and continue to pioneer efforts in the use of blockchain.

ONEPLATE is developed based on the virtual currency wallet “NFTDriveEX” for NFT provided and developed by NFTDrive.

NFTDrive Co., Ltd.
Establishment: March, 2023(JST)
URL: https://nftdrive.net/

[Related Press Release] May 21, 2023

Release of ‘Osinagaki NFT’ on ONEPLATE

Utilizing ONEPLATE, Kaiseki restaurant “KIRARI” (Chuo-ku, Tokyo) sells course menu items that change monthly as a full-on chain ‘Oshinagaki NFT’. We believe that Oshinagaki NFT can transform food experiences into content that can be exchanged and collected, and that by connecting individual dining experiences with NFTs, the food experience will become even richer, and the “food” provided by KIRARI will become even more fulfilling.

Oshinagaki NFT image

Kaiseki restaurant 輝KIRARI

Address: 46 Kanda-Konyacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Access: 2 minutes walk from the east exit of JR Kanda Station
Business hours: 17:00 – 23:00 (Last order food: 22:00, drinks: 22:30)
Lunch is only available for reservations up to two days before the arrival date.
Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
TEL: (+81)03-3526-0710

Free trial event “ONEPLATE Gathering” will be held

To enhance your understanding and experience of ONEPLATE, we are organizing “ONEPLATE Gathering” on Friday, January 26th. The event will take place both at Shinjuku, Tokyo and online.

During the event, we will explain the functions, features, and usage scenarios of ONEPLATE, and demonstrate NFT trading. Additionally, we offer hands-on experience with ONEPLATE operation. Anyone can participate in ONEPLATE Gathering and will receive a limited edition commemorative NFT through the ONEPLATE.

“ONEPLATE Gathering” details
Date: January 26, 2024 (Friday) 17:00-19:00(JST)
Venue: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo (Details will be provided after registration) or Online (ZOOM)
(1) Explanation of ONEPLATE and introduction of usage scenarios
(2) Demonstration: NFT transaction in ONEPLATE
(3) Hands-On: Account creation, View NFT, and request purchases
Attendance: Pre-registration is required. Participants will receive a commemorative NFT.
Capacity: 15 people at the venue, 30 people online

[ONEPLATE Gathering entry] http://food-nft.io/oneplate_hands_on-202401/

The Food NFT Consortium Membership

The FOOD NFT Consortium is looking for members to work together on FOOD NFT. If you apply after January 2024, the annual membership fee until March 31, 2024, will be waived. Please apply as soon as possible to take advantage of our special offer.
[Membership entry] https://food-nft.io/membership/

Membership Types and Annual Fee

Corporate member: 200,000 JPY (tax excluded)
* Two individuals belonging to the company are eligible for individual membership without voting rights. For 3 or more people, 30,000 JPY per person (excluding tax)

Individual member: membership fee 50,000 JPY (tax excluded)
*Individuals holding corporate memberships are eligible for the individual membership by paying the membership fee.

Executive committee members and academic members: No membership fee
*Academic members do not have voting rights, but only participate in the general assembly.

For more details, please refer to the membership agreement.
[Consortium Membership Agreement] https://food-nft.io/membership-agreement/

What is Food NFT?

Food NFTs are a kind of Non-Fungible Tokens that maximize the value of recording and tokenizing the “recipe data” and “taste data” which is quantified by the analytical technology of Taste & Aroma Strategic Research Institute. They also magnify the advantages of safeguarding the reproducible “recipe data” as digital assets by fully on chain in Symbol, a public blockchain.

A thorough introduction for the technology and possibilities of Food NFT was undertaken in the “1st Food NFT Seminar”, held on 23 Aug, 2022(JST). See the archive on the page below.
[Archive of the 1st Food NFT Seminar] https://food-nft.io/foodnft-session-movie1/

About Food NFT Consortium

The Food NFT Consortium was established to create a “Food NFT” market.  “Taste data” and “recipe data” for many attractive  “tastes” that you want to eat, make, and convey are created and recorded on the blockchain to convert them into food NFTs.

Food NFT Consortium
Establishment: 1st April, 2022(JST)
URL: https://food-nft.io/
Business Description: “FOOD” × “NFT” Creating Food NFT market

For inquiries regarding this topic, please contact:
Food NFT Consortium Secretariat (Taste and Aroma Strategy Institute Co., Ltd.)
TEL. (+81)03-5542-3850 / Email info@food-nft.io
Contact: UEDA(植田)